Hawley Construction builds with “A Vision For Tomorrow” specializing in all types and phases of commercial construction. Hawley has been delivering consistent construction services for over more than 52 years.

1. “At Risk” Construction Management Services. When an owner decides to share the risks, rewards, and responsibilities of the construction process, Hawley is happy to work with the owner in an “At Risk” capacity. In this role, Hawley takes an active position and is directly responsibility for the execution of all field construction work. Consequently, Hawley can offer owners a Guaranteed Maximum Price (GMP) that can be very attractive.
2. Traditional Construction Management Services. Hawley would work in a purely consulting, fee-based construction management role. Hawley will advise owners throughout the design and construction process on how to maximize savings and minimize problems, and how to get the building operational as soon as possible. We will work with your architects and engineers and recommend the most cost-effective systems and materials that best suit your building needs, and assist with subcontractor selection.
Throughout the construction process with either service, Hawley will assure that your project is being built according to plans and specifications, and that no proverbial “corners” are being cut. We will provide as-needed budgets, schedules, cost and progress reports, to the owner on a timely basis.
Regardless of which form of construction management you choose, as your Construction Management Team, Hawley will be there to assure you of a job well done!
Gary W. Hawley Charles C. Van Zanten
President Executive Vice President
Hawley Construction Corporation Hawley Construction Corporation